
Kern Sibbald wrote:
On Wednesday 30 March 2005 16:53, Dave Sutherland wrote:

As you can tell I'm a newbie when it comes to bacula and CVS.

I would like to get the latest version 1.37.4 (I think) from the cvs
repository.  What steps (or commands ) do I have to take to get the latest
version?  or is there a tar file that I can download?

If you are a newbie, please start with the released version Bacula 1.36.2

If you are a newbie and that wants to learn something:

- log into cvs, explained in the url below

- check out the sources by using the current tag
  (as it seems there's no tag for 1.37 some simply checkout HEAD)

- cd into the new directory named "bacula"
- run "./configure --help" and read through the shown parameters
- run "./configure <with-your-parameters>"
  while playing around you "should" use "--prefix /opt/bacula_test" or
  something to keep your system "clean"

- run "make"
  Hopefully without any errors

- run "make install" if the previous make didnt show any errors
  => everything will be installed to the defined --prefix directory


Have fun,

 I am root. If you see me laughing, you better have a backup.

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