Something weird is going on with Windows restores. I have been over the manual. I have been testing and recreating this problem and cannot figure out what is going on. This might be a bit lengthy but I don’t know how else to explain it.


I was running bacula 1.36.1 and I upgraded to 1.36.2 on the sd  and client to ensure it still happened.


If run a job that backups a number of files on a windows client. In this case the Files are located at C:\Stuff. Here is the FileSet, JobDef and Job entries in my bacula-dir.conf:


JobDefs {

  Name = "RADAR"

  Client = radar-fd

  Type = Backup

  Storage = L25

  Messages = Standard


Job {

  Name = "RADAR"

  Client = radar-fd

  FileSet = "TestSet"

  JobDefs = "RADAR"

  Level = Full

  Pool =CIHR


FileSet {

  Name = "TestSet"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5


  File = "c:/Stuff/Docs"


  Exclude {




I ran “RADAR” and it shows up job 620 ran and backed up 275 files and 25,245,391 Bytes. Status came back as OK.


I then renamed the C:\Stuff\Docs file to C:\Stuff\Docs.old. I ran a restore job to put the file back. Here is what the console spits out:



First you select one or more JobIds that contain files

to be restored. You will be presented several methods

of specifying the JobIds. Then you will be allowed to

select which files from those JobIds are to be restored.


To select the JobIds, you have the following choices:

     1: List last 20 Jobs run

     2: List Jobs where a given File is saved

     3: Enter list of comma separated JobIds to select

     4: Enter SQL list command

     5: Select the most recent backup for a client

     6: Select backup for a client before a specified time

     7: Enter a list of files to restore

     8: Enter a list of files to restore before a specified time

     9: Cancel

Select item:  (1-9): Unexpected question has been received.


Enter JobId(s), comma separated, to restore: Unexpected question has been received.


You have selected the following JobId: 620


Building directory tree for JobId 620 ... 

1 Job, 1 files inserted into the tree.


You are now entering file selection mode where you add (mark) and

remove (unmark) files to be restored. No files are initially added, unless

you used the "all" keyword on the command line.

Enter "done" to leave this mode.


cwd is: /

$ cd c:

cwd is: c:/

$ cd Stuff

cwd is: c:/Stuff/

$ ls


$ mark Docs

1 files marked.

$ done

Bootstrap records written to /bacula/working/restore.bsr


The job will require the following Volumes:





1 file selected to be restored.


The defined Restore Job resources are:

     1: RestoreFiles

     2: RestoreWin

     3: RestoreRADAR

Select Restore Job (1-3): Unexpected question has been received.


Defined Clients:

     1: biomed3-fd

     2: rfstore-fd

     3: dmstore-fd

     4: braindb-fd

     5: sol1-fd

     6: brain-fd

     7: mdstore-fd

     8: mpstore-fd

     9: storage-fd

    10: ss2-fd

    11: radar-fd

    12: testy-fd

Select the Client (1-12): Unexpected question has been received.


Run Restore job

JobName:    RestoreRADAR

Bootstrap:  /bacula/working/restore.bsr

Where:      *None*

Replace:    always

FileSet:    TestSet

Client:     radar-fd

Storage:    L25

When:       2005-03-31 11:26:43

Catalog:    MyCatalog

Priority:   10

OK to run? (yes/mod/no): Unexpected question has been received.


Job started. JobId=627


31-Mar 11:29 dmstore-sd: Ready to read from volume "FTY306S1" on device /dev/rmt/1cbn.

31-Mar 11:29 dmstore-sd: Forward spacing to file:block 46:0.

31-Mar 11:31 dmstore-sd: Got EOF at file 47  on device /dev/rmt/1cbn, Volume "FTY306S1"

31-Mar 11:31 dmstore-sd: End of Volume at file 47 on device /dev/rmt/1cbn, Volume "FTY306S1"

31-Mar 11:31 dmstore-sd: End of all volumes.

31-Mar 11:31 dmstore-sd: Alert: sh: tapeinfo: not found

radar-fd: drwxrwxrwx   1 0        0              0 2004-08-03 16:41:55  c:/Stuff/Docs/

31-Mar 11:31 dmstore-dir: Bacula 1.36.2 (28Feb05): 31-Mar-2005 11:31:27

  JobId:                  627

  Job:                    RestoreRADAR.2005-03-31_11.26.48

  Client:                 radar-fd

  Start time:             31-Mar-2005 11:26:50

  End time:               31-Mar-2005 11:31:27

  Files Expected:         1

  Files Restored:         1

  Bytes Restored:         360

  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s

  FD Errors:              0

  FD termination status:  OK

  SD termination status:  OK

  Termination:            Restore OK


31-Mar 11:31 dmstore-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.

31-Mar 11:31 dmstore-dir: No Jobs found to prune.

31-Mar 11:31 dmstore-dir: Begin pruning Files.

31-Mar 11:31 dmstore-dir: No Files found to prune.

31-Mar 11:31 dmstore-dir: End auto prune.


It only restored 360 bytes and one file. This was C:/Stuff/Docs. There was nothing inside of it when restored. It seems bacula is backed up properly. I can’t understand why it can’t retrieve the files back. Any ideas? All of my unix backups work fine. It’s only for windows clients that this happens.


I gladly send off my bacula-dir.conf if anyone needs it.






Ray Pengelly

Computing Technologist

CIHR Group In Sensory-Motor Systems

Queen's University

613-533-6000 x74139



"Wouldn't it be great if life were like windows where you could hit ctrl-alt-delete and start over when things go wrong?" - Anonymous


"How about life being like Unix where they don't mess up in the first place" - Ray


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