I'm trying to compile bacula binary RPMS for RedHat Enterprise Linux 4, which looks a lot like Fedora Core 3, so I'm using that platform as my target.

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] rhel-as-x86-4]# rpmbuild --target i686 \
     --define 'build_fc3 1' \
     --define 'build_mysql 1' \
     --rebuild bacula-1.36.2-1.src.rpm
  Installing bacula-1.36.2-1.src.rpm
  Building target platforms: i686
  Building for target i686
  error: line 96: Empty tag: Distribution:

The problematic spec file section looks like:

  # check what distribution we are
  %if %{rh7} || %{rh8} || %{rh9}
  %define _dist %(grep Red /etc/redhat-release)
  %if %{fc1} || %{fc3}
  %define _dist %(grep Fedora /etc/redhat-release)
  %if %{wb3}
  %define _dist %(grep White /etc/whitebox-release)
  %if %{su9}
  %define _dist %(grep SuSE /etc/SuSE-release)
  %if %{mdk}
  %define _dist %(grep Mandrake /etc/mandrake-release)

On a RHEL box, there's no "Fedora" string in /etc/redhat-release so _dist is undefined. I fixed this by changing the check for fc3 to the following:

  %if %{fc1} || %{fc3}
  %define _dist %(cat /etc/redhat-release)

Now, when I try and build, I get:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] SPECS]# rpmbuild --target i386 \
    --define 'build_fc3 1' \
    --define 'build_mysql 1' bacula.spec
  Building target platforms: i386
  Building for target i386

rpmbuild simply drops back to a shell silently...

Has anyone had luck compiling bacula for RHEL4?  Suggestions?

Jeff McCune
OSU Department of Mathematics System Support
(614) 292-4962
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