
I think you should try something like
ssh -fnCNg -L 9112:localhost:9112 -R 9101:backupserver:9101 -R 9103:backupserver:9103 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

then define a storage resource in bacula-dir.conf wich adress is localhost and port 9103
in the job ressource, use this storage device and 9112 for FD port in client resource.

I use that on 4 linux behind a firewall.
These are the scripts I use for runbefore and run after each job :

Best regards,
Ludovic Strappazon

RunBefore :


if test $# -lt 2 ; then
 echo "usage: ouvreTunnel.ssh <host> <port>"
 exit 1

if [ -d /tmp/Tunnels/${1}/${2} ]
echo "Erreur : tunnel fantome $1 $2" >> /var/log/tunnels
exit 1
mkdir -p /tmp/Tunnels/${1}/${2}
/usr/bin/ssh -fnCNg -L 9112:localhost:9112 -R 9101:hunt.u-strasbg.fr:9101 -R 9103:hunt.u-strasbg.fr:9103 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -p $2 > /dev/null 2> /tmp/Tunnels/${1}/${2}/erreurs
Process=`ps -ef | grep "/usr/bin/ssh -fnCNg -L 9112:localhost:9112 -R 9101:hunt.u-strasbg.fr:9101 -R 9103:hunt.u-strasbg.fr:9103 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -p $2$" | awk '{print $2}'`
touch /tmp/Tunnels/${1}/${2}/${Process}
ERREURS=`cat /tmp/Tunnels/${1}/${2}/erreurs | wc -c`
if [ $ERREURS -ne 0 ]
kill $Process
rm -rf /tmp/Tunnels/${1}/${2}/

RunAfter :


if test $# -lt 2 ; then
 echo "usage: fermeTunnel.ssh <host> <port>"
 exit 1

Process=`ls /tmp/Tunnels/${1}/${2}/ | grep -v erreurs`
rm -rf /tmp/Tunnels/${1}/${2}/
kill $Process 2> /dev/null
exit 0

Chris Joelly wrote:


i try to backup a remote w2k server using the "Run Before Job" parameter
to build a ssh tunnel to the bacula-fd on the remote server with the
following script

backup:~# cat /etc/bacula/scripts/mk_ssh2w2k.sh

# dig a tunnel to the remote office server
start-stop-daemon --start -b --exec /usr/bin/ssh -- -N -2 -o
"StrictHostKeyChecking no" -i /etc/bacula/bacula-ssh-key -L

exit 0

and the following job definition:

Job {
 Name = "srv-remote"
 Type = Backup
 Client = srv-remote
 FileSet = "Full Set Windows"
 Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
 Storage = FileStorage-srv-remote
 Messages = Standard
 Pool = Default
 Full Backup Pool = File-Full-Pool
 Incremental Backup Pool = File-Inc-Pool
 Differential Backup Pool = File-Diff-Pool
 Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/srv-remote.bsr"
 Run Before Job = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mk_ssh2w2k.sh"
 Run After Job = "/etc/bacula/scripts/rm_ssh2w2k.sh"

for the client:

Client {
Name = srv-remote
Address = local-backupserver
FDPort = 9112 Catalog = MyCatalog
Password = "dir-pass" File Retention = 60 days
Job Retention = 6 months AutoPrune = yes }

the script builds the tunnel succesfull (but only with using start-stop-daemon, nohup doesn't work...), but i get the following messages on the director:

18-Mar 15:49 local-backupserver: No prior Full backup Job record found.
18-Mar 15:49 local-backupserver: No prior or suitable Full backup found.
Doing FULL backup.
18-Mar 15:49 local-backupserver: Start Backup JobId 39,
18-Mar 15:48 srv-remote: srv-remote.2005-03-18_15.49.17 Fatal error:
Failed to connect to Storage daemon: local-backupserver:9103
18-Mar 15:48 srv-remote: srv-remote.2005-03-18_15.49.17 Error: ..\lib
\../../lib/bnet.c:685 gethostbyname() for host "local-backupserver"
failed: ERR=Authoritative answer for host not found.
18-Mar 15:49 local-backupserver: srv-remote.2005-03-18_15.49.17 Fatal
error: Socket error from Filed on Storage command: ERR=No data available

hm. which application want's to connect to the bacula-sd which is
running at the same machine as the director (local-bachupserver:9103):

the director or the bacula-fd on the remote w2k server to which the
director connects via the ssh tunnel?

on the w2k server the name local-backupserver is not known nor kan the
bacula-sd be reached through the (2) firewalls, one local and one

how can i setup a backup system to a remote system with ssh tunnels? or is this not possible with bacula?

thx for any hint,


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