
I've written tu users@, but got no answer, so I'm trying here.

I've got an installation that is backing up to S3.

I see a lot of messages like the following in the job logs:

> Full0117/part.2 was present on the cloud and has been versioned to part20220603223013.2

In fact we are using much more space than we expected.

I had a look at the sources (src/stored/cloud_dev.c, function upload_engine) and saw that every part, except .1 is versioned, without any switch to disable this.

What's the rationale for this?

Unless I'm missing something, I've set up my retentions in order to recycle volumes, so my intention is to *overwrite* them, not keep the old version around.

Can I just comment this in the sources or is there any side-effect I'm not seeing?

Why was this put up in the first place?

 bye & Thanks

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