No one 😀

Any help wouldvery highly appreciated… really!!

Some parts… are not 100% clear in the doc… and I would be very proud of sharing 
my work 🙂🙂👍



> El 7 mar 2022, a las 12:45, egoitz--- via Bacula-devel 
> <> escribió:
> ATENCION: Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organización. No pinche 
> en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el remitente y 
> sepa que el contenido es seguro.
> Hi!,
> After digging in plugin building documentation and checking the provided 
> examples, I have some doubts I have not been able to clarify by my own. I 
> describe them below in case you could give me a hand :). I would be very 
> thankful if you could help me a little clarifying this doubts :)
> - I'm working in trying to create an open source version of the delta 
> encoding plugin by using the bacula-fd plugin api. When working on it I have 
> seen Bacula's source is aware of delta and delta file sequentiation. I have 
> seen for instance, even a .bvfs command exists for showing deltas of a file 
> id. But, what  I have not found is that Bacula works on that Delta files 
> generation (patch generation, signatures, etc...). I assume that Bacula in 
> the non-fd part, acts just as a just delta file holder keeping the files and 
> stores the patch sequentiation just that. Bacula keeps records of deltas in 
> database (and file storages) but only fd works with them (with probably a 
> library like librsync in the delta plugin) in the sense of applying patches 
> over an original file or even generating deltas when backup. Am I wrong?. Was 
> just for understanding the nice work done and what's already written and free 
> in Bacula's source for this purpose.
> - By the way, I have one question about virtual files. I have not seen very 
> clear (perhaps my problem as don't understand it) how to work with them. I 
> understand the concept, but have not seen a clear example of how for instance 
> in the backup you create a virtual file, how do you see it in bvfs and 
> finally... what you get after restoring. In page 36/146 of Bacula 11 for 
> developers pdf, you say "This will create a virtual file." but really you are 
> entering in the structure :
> sp->type = FT_REG;
> sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFREG;
> FT_REG and S_IFREG both are for regular files.... what exactly causes a 
> virtual file to be created?. Perhaps st_size -1?.
> Are they relevant for what I'm trying to do?. It seems Bacula handles delta 
> sequentiation so... perhaps for this purpose I shouldn't need "virtual 
> files"?.
> - I'm planning to implement delta encoding by checking the previous day file 
> signature done by librsync. Instead of looking at the filesystem it would be 
> nice if I could take a look at that signature in the last backup done 
> (yesterday backup). Could it be possible in some manner, that if I see a file 
> passed in EventHandleBackupFile() to check if yesterdays signature exists in 
> the backup of yesterday, and then read the yesterday signature from the own 
> backup?. I mean, instead of having to leave the signature in the being backed 
> server's filesystem.
> - The last one :) . For restoring, and for the code seen (for instance in 
> insert_missing_delta()) I assume Bacula detects we are restoring a delta 
> compressed file. Then I assume Bacula restores apart from the own initial 
> file, patches to arrive to the day we want to restore to. Am I wrong?. 
> Perhaps later in a post-restore job I could run a shell script that tries to 
> find patches pending to be applied to a parent file. I suppose then I could 
> apply and the backup would become finally restored. Does some other more 
> elegant way you could advise me?.
> Thank you so much really,
> Best regards,
> <html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=
> =3DUTF-8" /></head><body style=3D'font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana,Gen=
> eva,sans-serif'>
> <p>Hi!,</p>
> <p><br /></p>
> <p>After digging in plugin building documentation and checking the provided=
> examples, I have some doubts I have not been able to clarify by my own. I =
> describe them below in case you could give me a hand :). I would be very th=
> ankful if you could help me a little clarifying this doubts :)</p>
> <p><br /></p>
> <p>- I'm working in trying to create an open source version of the delta en=
> coding plugin by using the bacula-fd plugin api. When working on it I have =
> seen Bacula's source is aware of delta and delta file sequentiation. I have=
> seen for instance, even a .bvfs command exists for showing deltas of a fil=
> e id. But, what&nbsp; I have not found is that Bacula works on that Delta f=
> iles generation (patch generation, signatures, etc...). I assume that Bacul=
> a in the non-fd part, acts just as a just delta file holder keeping the fil=
> es and stores the patch sequentiation just that. Bacula keeps records of de=
> ltas in database (and file storages) but only fd works with them (with prob=
> ably a library like librsync in the delta plugin) in the sense of applying =
> patches over an original file or even generating deltas when backup. Am I w=
> rong?. Was just for understanding the nice work done and what's already wri=
> tten and free in Bacula's source for this purpose.</p>
> <p><br /></p>
> <p>- By the way, I have one question about virtual files. I have not seen v=
> ery clear (perhaps my problem as don't understand it) how to work with them=
> =2E I understand the concept, but have not seen a clear example of how for =
> instance in the backup you create a virtual file, how do you see it in bvfs=
> and finally... what you get after restoring. In page 36/146 of Bacula 11 f=
> or developers pdf, you say "This will create a virtual file." but really yo=
> u are entering in the structure :</p>
> <p>sp-&gt;type =3D FT_REG;<br />sp-&gt;statp.st_mode =3D 0700 | S_IFREG;</p=
> <p>FT_REG and S_IFREG both are for regular files.... what exactly causes a =
> virtual file to be created?. Perhaps st_size -1?.</p>
> <p>Are they relevant for what I'm trying to do?. It seems Bacula handles de=
> lta sequentiation so... perhaps for this purpose I shouldn't need "virtual =
> files"?.</p>
> <p><br /></p>
> <p>- I'm planning to implement delta encoding by checking the previous day =
> file signature done by librsync. Instead of looking at the filesystem it wo=
> uld be nice if I could take a look at that signature in the last backup don=
> e (yesterday backup). Could it be possible in some manner, that if I see a =
> file passed in EventHandleBackupFile() to check if yesterdays signature exi=
> sts in the backup of yesterday, and then read the yesterday signature from =
> the own backup?. I mean, instead of having to leave the signature in the be=
> ing backed server's filesystem.</p>
> <p><br /></p>
> <p>- The last one :) . For restoring, and for the code seen (for instance i=
> n insert_missing_delta()) I assume Bacula detects we are restoring a delta =
> compressed file. Then I assume Bacula restores apart from the own initial f=
> ile, patches to arrive to the day we want to restore to. Am I wrong?. Perha=
> ps later in a post-restore job I could run a shell script that tries to fin=
> d patches pending to be applied to a parent file. I suppose then I could ap=
> ply and the backup would become finally restored. Does some other more eleg=
> ant way you could advise me?.</p>
> <p><br /></p>
> <p>Thank you so much really,</p>
> <p>Best regards,</p>
> <p><br /></p>
> <p><br /></p>
> </body></html>
> ATENCION!!! Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organizacion. No 
> pinche en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el 
> remitente y sepa que el contenido es seguro.
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> Bacula-devel mailing list
> ATENCION: Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organización. No pinche 
> en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el remitente y 
> sepa que el contenido es seguro.
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