i also disagree with your first issue since i also use the dash for files
but i do very much agree with the rest of it.
mouse use is still bad as far as dash use goes.  it's pretty good with the
keyboard though. super key, type what you're looking for and enter.
i made a mock up a while ago (late june) that tried to address most of
these issues. it kinda fell by the wayside though.

in my mockup there were still 4 clicks if you went through the apps lens
for an app but much less mouse travel between the first 3 as there were and
still is and it kept mouse movement to going in the same general direction
between the first and third. instead of having to change directions.

the front page of the dash i imagined to work in a way to that should
minimize the times that you actually had to go through the app lens.
the idea was to put a pinned app section on the dash home for things you
use but not enough to want on the launcher,
for things that you like but don't use enough that they would be frequently
used or if you just don't want to use the launcher.

under that was supposed to be the most frequently used section but i stated
that it shouldn't show things that are on your launcher or pinned section
in the dash.
so basically you got the apps on your launcher, your pinned apps, and the
apps that were used the most outside of those available in either 1 click
(launcher) or 2 for the stuff on the first page of the dash.
that alone should eliminate most forays into the apps lens.
under that there was also a recent files section for easy access to
whatever you might have been working on.

it also removed frequently used from the apps lens and turned the available
for download category into a button at the bottom of the dash for the
software center.

if you want to see it here's the link
http://dont-lose-heart.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-Unity-Mockup-216307487  i
may need to warn that it's a large image size at about 4000x3000 and does
cover a bit more than just what's in the dash.  there are also some polish
for the launcher and a mockup for a unity config tool showing various
options that people seemed to want at the time.  also some additional
mockups in the downloadable 7zip file for different panel arrangements and
what it'd be like if the app menu could be placed in the title bar of
non-maximized windows.

Josh Strawbridge
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