Thank you for your comments. I think my phrasing was'nt too good. Please
tell me what you think.

On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 4:52 PM, Jo-Erlend Schinstad <> wrote:

> Den 22. okt. 2011 10:19, skrev sachit daniel:
>  0)Heavily inspired by Gnome shell that comes with ubuntu 11.10.
>> Please try it out if you haven't. Waaay smoother and more intuitive than
>> unity for window switching and workspace management( Alt+ Tab and the
>> overview switcher you get when pressing super/TLSC)
> That is just a claim. If you want to be taken seriously, then you have to
> provide something to back your claims up.

I'm a little confused. What I meant was that my comments were heavily
influenced by me using both Unity and Gnome Shell. _I_ found the GS
interface better for window switching (strictly IMHO :) ), while I found
Unity better for the rest(window design, lenses, launchers etc)

>  1)Alt + Tab switcher:
>> 1.a)switcher ignores all mouse input: proposed changes:
>> i) Mouse over expansion of app icons to their windows
>> ii)click to choose
>> iii)click out of area (even while holding down alt + tab) to quit switcher
>> and remain on the same window.
>>  Ok, using the mouse to choose might be an ok feature. But in that case,
> clicking would select an app, not display the previews. That would have to
> be a right click or something else.

I meant mouse over=down arrow; click=release alt+tab; click outside=Esc

 1.b)Previews alone are insufficient to quickly choose between windows.
>> It would be useful if the titles of windows were also provided in the
>> list.
>>  If you want to switch between windows of the same application, then you
> shouldn't use alt+tab. You should use the button above tab instead. You
> press esc to escape from the switcher. I think that's quite appropriate.

Yes, alt+` or Alt+Shift+up was what I had in mind. But that doesn't solve
the problem of Titles.

>  2)We also need a mouse-only switcher in the style of the gnome shell
>> overview switcher.
>> Required design features:
>> a)mouse only manipulation with launcher on dock.
> We have that. You click the icon to focus the most recently used window in
> the group. You click twice to get an overview of all the open windows of
> that application.

>  b)Quick access w/o clicking: hot corner maybe TRSC/BLSC
> We have that too. It's configurable. By default, the entire left screen
> edge is hot. If you want to use a corner, then you can choose to do that.

I was thinking of maybe binding the TRSC/BLSC by default to Shift+Alt+up.
IMO, The multiple clicks required are not as convenient as having a hot

> c)Integrated Workspace functionality: drag and drop between workspaces,
>> choose workspace and choose _windows_ (NOT APPS) all in one interface (again
>> see gnome shell)
> super+s provides you with a workspace switcher and you can drag and drop
> windows between them, or you click the workspace switcher in the launcher if
> you want to use the mouse.

Ahh... the thing I liked the most in GS: One interface combining the
functionality of super+s AND Shift+Alt+up

>  (other features- box around current active window, mouse only exit from
>> chooser, window titles below preview)
> There are improvements to be made in the super+w and super+numnum views. I
> agree with this.
> Jo-Erlend Schinstad
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