On 10/04/2011 04:58 PM, anthropornis wrote:
I'm not crazy about the idea of separating Wine apps into their own lens. I just want to be able to hit Super and start typing, regardless of the ~type~ of app, rather than have to select different types of lenses for different types of apps. There are filters for that, if I really want to go to that much trouble.

All lenses can hook into the global dash search. The files and apps lenses are not specially privileged. So Wine apps would also be found when hitting <super>.

From my point of view, an app is an app; the behind the scenes details don't really matter to me, and are just a problem to solve so that the same UI yields the same results for any type of app.

I agree. The problem is that there are technical matters making this hard. That's why we are having this discussion :-)


On 10/04/2011 10:10 AM, Ian Santopietro wrote:
It's just like applications in Ubuntu. The .exe is an executable that gets linked to, then when you click the link, the application runs. The problem is that the applications also create .exe files for all of their uninstallers, and many create one for a "Repair" function, and all of these also get linked into the start menu. So it's not nearly as simple as one might think to sort out which ones are the applications and which ones are the support binaries.

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 13:24, Carl Ansell <afccarl1...@hotmail.com <mailto:afccarl1...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

    Hash: SHA1

    Don't Windows applications run by accessing the .exe file created
    during the install?

    Would it be possible to tell Unity to only search for .exe files
    installed under the Wine directory?

    This would remove the issue of finding other files such as text
    files that clutter up the search.

    On 03/10/11 17:29, Ian Santopietro wrote:
    > One could argue that the current system looks bad in Gnome 2 as
    > well, like it does on "that other OS!"
    > In all seriousness, I think a Wine lens is definitely the way to
    > go. The new APIs in 11.10 should make it relatively easy to get a
    > scope and lens up and running.
    > On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 02:43, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen
    > <mikkel.kamst...@canonical.com
    > <mailto:mikkel.kamst...@canonical.com
    <mailto:mikkel.kamst...@canonical.com>>> wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > I am thinking through bug
    > https://bugs.launchpad.net/__unity-lens-applications/+bug/__753276
    > <https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-lens-applications/+bug/753276>
    > "Currently no way to find wine apps in dash other than searching
    > them from search bar", and I think it would be helpful with some
    > good suggestions on the matter.
    > Disclaimer: I am not gonna be the one who makes the final call on
    > the solution, that will be up to the design team. This is just a
    > brain storm.
    > Problem statement: Wine likes to install apps in a deeply nested
    > hierarchy of folders (because that's like it works on Windows, I
    > assume). Behold this beauty for instance
    > https://launchpadlibrarian.__net/71484404/looks-bad-in-__unity.png
    > <https://launchpadlibrarian.net/71484404/looks-bad-in-unity.png>.
    > This maps poorly to the Unity UX because the apps lens uses a flat
    > system for the filters. Factoring in that the Wine launchers are
    > named generically because they are assumed to be read in the
    > context of the entire path to their location, we start getting hits
    > on "README" and "Uninstall" and suchlikes in Unity. Eeek! ;-) It'll
    > be helpful if you read the bug report as well.
    > Implementing nested browsing of folders in the apps lens is the
    > obvious solution, but that also breaks horribly with the current
    > user experience. So the question is not "how can we make it like
    > it was in Gnome2", but  "how can we get the best UX with the Unity
    > UI language?".
    > Pasting my own (only) idea from the bug: ... to not include Wine
    > apps in the apps lens, but write a dedicated lens for Wine apps.
    > Each app could then live in its' own category, bundling all
    > related launchers in that category. Living in a dedicated lens
    > gives much more wiggle room for custom layout and interactions. It
    > still doesn't entirely solve the problem in the global dash search
    > though, where you'd end up with hits in the odd launchers...
    > Cheers, Mikkel
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 Ofer middangeard monnum sended"

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