I don't agree. PPA should be used only to install unstable / unsupported
features. I think the problem is that a lot of very good programs aren't in
the default repository and need to be installed via PPA.

PPA installation shouldn't be too easy for newbies, because it can be risky
for their system, even if they don't realize that.


2011/9/4 Christian Rupp <christ...@r-k-r.de>

> **
> For newbies its very hard to install their first ppa and also if you know
> the way it takes you some time to install a ppa. Why don't just enable a
> short link like href="ppa://ppa:matthaeus123/mrw-gimp-svn" which addes this
> ppa automatically after asking whether you trust this source and entering
> your 
> password.<http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=Ci4HO3kMAA&search=automatically&trestr=0x8004>
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