-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: [Ayatana] Global menu in Oneiric Ocelot (11.10)
Date:   Thu, 19 May 2011 13:06:01 -0500
From:   GonzO Rodrigue <worlord...@gmail.com>
To:     anthropornis <anthropor...@gmail.com>

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 3:31 AM, Ian Santopietro <isan...@gmail.com <mailto:isan...@gmail.com>> wrote:

   The reasoning for the global menu bar isn't just about saving screen
   space. It's also about reduction of UI chrome to provide an
   interface that looks cleaner and simpler.

An example of Form over Function.

   Mouse travel distance *is* irrelevant since mouse acceleration
   allows for great travel distances from short, twitchy movements.

Except that OOTB, no mouse I've ever seen on any Linux system is configured with acceleration that works well, much less *that* well. *Especially* not on multi-monitor situations, where the menu to the app you're using could well be on a different *screen* - which is the biggest reason, in my eyes, that the global menu idea fails.

"It's not that the UI is built wrong, its just that your mouse is configured poorly" isn't the right answer.

   This brings to the real flaw with the global menu. As it's hidden by

That's a widespread issue in Unity, IMO. Probably my biggest gripe with it: I want to use my computer, not play a game of hide-and-seek. I hate everything that hides. Don't hide my UI elements from me. Global menubar is the biggest offender, since I can disable Launcher hiding.

Also, although I think the mock-ups are well-done, I disagree with the idea that there should be a hide/reveal button for the menus. I DO want non-maximzed windows to have the menus attached to them, but I don't want to click twice, in two different places, to do something that used to only take one click.

If it were up to me, everything that gets put in the panel space - window controls, window title, and pull-down menus - would travel with the application. If maximized, they'd all be in what used to be known as the Panel; if un-maximized, they would all *become* the top border of the application window (instead of window control buttons, window title, and a whole lotta nuthin'). That way, you still get your clean, simple UI chrome reduction.

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