Hi - thanks for the report.

    $(ANGIE_FILES) refers to source subdirectory
    "src/jtag/drivers/angie/", but next to it there is a source file
    called "src/jtag/drivers/angie.c".

I don't think Automake currently tries to consider the values of
EXTRA_DIST, just copies them. So it's probably not plausible to try to
detect such a case.

    If that is really the solution, it should probably be documented (or
    did I miss it?). This is the spot in the documentation:

Agreed. Thanks.

    I thought that Automake 1.17 had actually disabled such GNU Make
    built-in rules:

Looking at https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=64743, I guess
the auto-compilation of foo.c into foo must be a different implicit
pattern rule that we failed to disable. The list of what got disabled was:
%:: %,v
%:: RCS/%,v
%:: RCS/%
%:: s.%
%:: SCCS/s.%

Have to do some research to see what should be added. If possible.

Thanks again for the report. -k

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