1) It looks to me like GCC uses autoconf but not automake. Maybe change the answer to: > Where is your open source technology project being > used (describe all user bases)?
GNU Automake is used by a very large number of GNU and non-GNU packages. Here are just a couple of examples: GNU coreutils, GNU findutils, GNU gettext, libpng, TeX Live. 2) ust a typo in: Plenty of projects haved switched to other build systems for various s/haved/have/ 3) > Which BRP services are you interested in? Maybe here, or somewhere, I wonder about inserting: Since the Free Software Foundation holds the sole copyright on GNU Automake, it will be necessary for any significant contributor, whether individual or corporate, to sign a disclaimer or assignment of copyright before contributions can be accepted. Please confirm that this is acceptable. I still worry that this is going to be a stopper. Or at least a big delayer. The last thing I want is for us to go through this whole process and then neighborhoodie "can't" sign the assignment. Or for them to start posting changes but I can't install them because the assignment hasn't happened. Wdyt? --thanks, karl.