Hi Karl,
I think this not a problem. Citing their criteria [1]:

> FOSS: all code and documentation to be supported must
> be licensed such that it may be freely reusable,
> changeable, and redistributable. OSI-approved or
> FSF Free/Libre licenses are acceptable for code.

Nevertheless, we should address this once we talk to Neighorhoodie.

[1] https://www.sovereigntechfund.de/programs/bug-resilience/criteria

Kind regards,

Am 17.06.24 um 22:55 schrieb Karl Berry:
Christoph - I had one more thought about the tech fund: Automake is
copyright FSF. So Neighorhoodie is going to need to sign a disclaimer or
(preferably) assignment for any patches to be usable. Is there precedent
in the fund for doing that? --thanks, karl.

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