Karl, thank you

I submitted a bug report with a reproducer:



> On 21 Oct 2023, at 22:48, Karl Berry <k...@freefriends.org> wrote:
> Hi Anton - thanks for the report.
>    https://github.com/HDFGroup/hdf5/issues/366
>    with the solution that "-Wl," must be prepended somehow to "-soname".
> Why do you think this is not a libtool issue?  Isn't it libtool's job to
> figure out the arguments that need to be passed? The fact that the -Wl
> is provided for gfortran and not for armflang makes me think even more
> that it is libtool. At first glance, the string "soname" does not appear
> in the Automake sources.
>    But I'm not sure what changes I need to do
>    to my configure.ac and/or Makefile.am
>    to fix this correctly.
> I wish I had a workaround for you, but I just don't know the answer.
> Someone else here probably knows better, else I suggest posting to
> bug-libt...@gnu.org, ideally with a reproducible case.
> Happy linking,
> Karl

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