Why not just write it as:

a_SOURCES = aprog/main.c \
   aprog/foo.c \
   aprog/bar.c \
   aprog/baz.c ...


On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 12:55:59AM +0200, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
> Given
>       a_SOURCES = aprog/main.c aprog/foo.c aprog/bar.c aprog/baz.c ...
> The more source files there are to be listed, the longer that line gets, 
> the bigger the Makefile.am fragment becomes, etc. I am thinking about 
> how to cut that repetition down. Current automake likely won't have 
> anything in store already, so I'm thinking of editing automake and 
> targeting a future automake release.
> The syntax would need to be understood by automake and expanded at the 
> right time; Makefile.in should have the expanded list already. How 
> about recognizing the gmake function syntax?
> a_SOURCES = $(addprefix aprog/,main.c foo.c bar.c baz.c)

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