Karl Berry wrote:
jb> The test also guesses the location of autoconf's Perl libraries;
I'm skeptical that any "guessing" of library locations would be reliable

The guess was the two most probable locations: /usr/share/autoconf and /usr/local/share/autoconf.

    jb> a more thorough test would locate the autom4te script and grep it
    for the perllibdir that was substituted when autoconf was

I guess that would work.

Challenge accepted.  Here's a refined version:  (lines \-folded for email)

if $PERL -I${autom4te_perllibdir:-$(sed -n \
             '/autom4te_perllibdir/{s/^.*|| //;s/;$//;s/^.//;s/.$//;p;q}' \
           <$(command -v autom4te))} -MAutom4te::FileUtils \
        -e 'exit defined $INC{q[Time/HiRes.pm]} ? 0 : 1'; then
  # autom4te uses Time::HiRes
  # autom4te does not use Time::HiRes

This version matches a patten that was introduced in commit c737451f8c17afdb477ad0fe72f534ea837e001e on 2001-09-13 preceding autoconf-2.52f, and Automake currently requires autoconf-2.65 or later, so this should work.

Getting the single quotes away from the value without directly mentioning them is the purpose of the "s/^.//;s/.$//;" part of the sed command. Wrapping it as "$(eval echo $(sed ...))" would have been another option to have the shell strip the single quotes.

Automake and autoconf are not two independent tools. Automake completely
relies on autoconf.

It's not for me to hand down any final pronouncements, but personally I
feel strongly that the tests should not paper over this problem by
changing the way tests work in general. With rm -rf of the cache, or
autoconf -f, etc. That is not what users do, so that's not what the
tests should do, either. Such global changes could have all kinds of
other unknown/undesirable effects on the tests.

In contrast to setting the sleep value "as appropriate", which is what
is/should be already done, so changing the conditions under which it is
set is unlikely to cause any unforeseen additional problems.

While potentially compromising the real-world validity of the testsuite is a legitimate concern, the fact that Automake depends on Autoconf does not preclude the Automake testsuite from working around Autoconf limitations in order to accurately test /Automake/.

-- Jacob

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