On Tue, 2019-04-23 at 10:25 -0500, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Apr 2019, Kip Warner wrote:
> > How can I solve this problem?
> By using the TAP test framework you could organize your related
> tests into ordered scripts which assure that test
> construction/destruction is orderly even if some tests fail.  This
> approach may lose parallelism if there are not enough independent TAP
> tests to keep the system busy.  TAP tests do need to produce the
> expected number of test report messages, even if a prerequisite has
> failed.

This is effectively what I'm doing in my Makefile.am:

   check_SCRIPTS = \
        TestDatabaseSetup.sh \
        TestStartDaemon.sh \
        TestStopDaemon.sh \
   S = \
       TestQueryA \
       TestQueryB \
       TestQueryC \

   TESTS = $(check_SCRIPTS) $(check_PROGRAMS)

   # Define aliases to logs to use in partial ordering...
   ordering_TestDatabaseSetup = TestDatabaseSetup.log
   ordering_TestStartDaemon = TestStartDaemon.log
   ordering_TestStopDaemon = TestStopDaemon.log
   ordering_TestDatabaseTeardown = TestDatabaseTeardown.log
   ordering_all_daemon_tests = \
       ordering_TestQueryA.log \
       ordering_TestQueryB.log \
       ordering_TestQueryC.log \

   # Declare some partial ordering...
   $(ordering_TestStartDaemon): $(ordering_TestDatabaseSetup)
   $(ordering_all_daemon_tests): $(ordering_TestStartDaemon)
   $(ordering_TestStopDaemon): $(ordering_all_daemon_tests)
   $(ordering_TestDatabaseTeardown): $(ordering_TestStopDaemon)

Now suppose the TestStartDaemon.sh bails for some reason. There is no
point on doing all the queries and having them all fail. There has to
be a sane way of handling this scenario.

Kip Warner | Senior Software Engineer
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