Hello Vishal,

Vishal Gupta <vishalgupta7...@gmail.com> writes:

> I am interested in working on the project to Parse Makefile.am using an
> Abstract Syntax Tree. Some queries related to the project are :-
> 1) In which language is the lexer and parser expected to be written and
> using which tools.

It should be written directly in Perl like the rest of Automake.

> 2) Where to put my draft proposal for review so that it can be improved.

You can host it on the Web as HTML or PDF, or simply send it as plain
text by Email to this Mailing List.

There is another student applying for this projet.  You can take a look
at the mailing-list archives [1] for past discussion regarding the

Thanks for your interest.

[1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/automake/2018-03/threads.html

Mathieu Lirzin
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