Jeffrey Walton <> writes:

> On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 7:45 AM, Mathieu Lirzin <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Jeffrey Walton <> writes:
>>> On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 10:00 AM, Mathieu Lirzin <> wrote:
>>>> Jeffrey Walton <> writes:
>>>>> I'm trying to update Autoconf and Automake on an old CentOS system.
>>>>> The build is failing with:
>>>>>   MAKEINFO doc/
>>>>> /home/scripts/automake-1.15.1/lib/missing: line 81: makeinfo: command not 
>>>>> found
>>>>> ...
>>>> Documentation is already "built" in distributed releases so unless you
>>>> are modifying the ".texi" sources, 'makeinfo' shouldn't be required by
>>>> the build process.
>>> Maybe autoreconf is doing it. I need to use it on a lot of older
>>> systems, like CentOS 5 or my PowerMac G5.
>>> I use the old iron for testing. Most of the software is out of date.
>>>> Are you build from a tarball or the Git development repository?
>>> I'm using the latest release tarball. It is
>> Indeed the 'autoreconf' step might be the issue.  When building from a
>> release tarball the build/install process should only be "./configure &&
>> make && make install".  See the INSTALL file for more detailed
>> information.
> This worked well. It was run after configure.
> sed -e 's|^MAKEINFO =*|MAKEINFO = true|g' Makefile > Makefile.fixed
> mv Makefile.fixed Makefile

OK.  Can you confirm that the following commands works on your system
without requiring 'makeinfo'?

   $ wget
   $ tar xzf automake-1.15.1.tar.gz
   $ cd automake-1.15.1
   $ ./configure
   $ make

Otherwise it is a bug.


Mathieu Lirzin
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