On Fri, 2017-11-03 at 17:49 -0400, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> One last question for the moment...
> We build our test program 'cryptest' with hard-coded path using
> $prefix.The test vectors can be located at $prefix/share/..., and
> everything works as expected after 'make install'.
> We also build a second test program intended to be run in-situ, and
> its called 'cryptestcwd'. It uses a hard coded path of "./" instead of
> $prefix. It is used for 'make check', and it avoids all the path
> problems and non-portable workarounds.
> We want 'cryptestcwd' built and available for local testing but we
> don't want it installed during 'make install'.
> My question is, is there a noinst_bin_PROGRAMS or equivalent? I know
> there's no noinst_bin_PROGRAMS, but what is the equivalent? Or how
> should we handle this situation?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jeff

Right from `info automake`:

noinst_PROGRAMS = mytest

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