Hello Victor,

Victor Porton <por...@narod.ru> writes:

> I want to pass absolute (or relative with possible ../../..) path of
> certain file (for example, laying in the same directory as Makefile or
> in its subdirectory or its superdirectory) to my application.
> For example, consider that I created application run-tests in a direct
> subdirectory of the Makefile and I want to run
> ./run-tests ../data.txt
> when I am in a direct subdirectory of the directory with the Makefile,
> because data.txt lies in the same directory as the Makefile.
> That is I want Automake to add the correct ../ prefix to data.txt.
> How to get the path to my data.txt?

I am not sure to understand what you are trying to do.

A minimal example of a 'configure.ac' and a 'Makefile.am' building
'run-tests' would make easier for us to understand and help you.


Mathieu Lirzin
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