On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 12:46 AM, Jordan H. <jorda...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> I'm using mysql in a program. Here is a snipped of my Makefile.am:
>     project_LDADD += -lboost_thread
>     project_LDADD += -lboost_regex
>     project_LDADD += -lboost_system
>     AM_LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib
>     AM_LDFLAGS += `mysql_config --libs_r`
>     AM_LDFLAGS += `mysql_config --include`
>     AM_LDFLAGS += -std=c++0x
>     AM_LDFLAGS += `mysql_config --cflags`
> When I compile the program, automake generated:
>     g++  -g -O2 -L/usr/local/lib `mysql_config --libs_r` `mysql_config
> --include` -std=c++0x
>     `mysql_config --cflags`  -o /[ ... a bunch of .o files ... ]/
> -lboost_thread -lboost_regex
>     -lboost_system
> As expected, since g++ needs linker flags at the end I get a bunch of
> compile errors saying the `mysql_*` functions don't exist. How do I
> specify for the linker flags to go at the end? I tried to put them in
> the project_LDADD macro but automake complained:
>     Makefile.am:13: linker flags such as `--libs_r`' belong in
> `project_LDFLAGS
> Which got me back to square one. I must be doing something wrong. Any
> ideas? This has been bugging me for days. Thanks in advance.

You haven't said whether you've tried using project_LDFLAGS (you've
used AM_LDFLAGS and project_LDADD).

It might be easier if you wrote out the command you would like to be generated

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