On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 5:51 PM, Dan Kegel <d...@kegel.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 2:21 PM, Paul Davis <paul.joseph.da...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> I've never seen a line like this and it looks to be the part that's
>> not working. The first thing I'd try is to move george.c to
>> pathprob/foobar/george.c and if that works, either put sources next to
>> this Makefile.am or move the guts of it to
>> pathprob/foobar/blah/Makefile.am
> Yes, removing the vpath and moving george.c up one level works around
> the problem
> in the test case.
> Should I file a bug for the fact that vpath and dist don't work together,
> or is that already documented somewhere?

I've never heard of that vpath declaration before so I couldn't say
what its even supposed to be doing.

> It doesn't quite solve the problem in my real world situation;
> "make dist" didn't copy #included files, and I needed to add something like
> EXTRA_DIST = foobar
> to pathprob/Makefile.am.  (Maybe that's just an artifact of trying to do
> "make dist" without first doing "make", though.)

This is to be expected, you have to tell autotools which files are
part of the distribution. Source files are automatically included but
header files are not. There's probably a clever way to do this but
I've always just specified headers by hand. You'll have to do the same
for things like test data and other files that aren't discoverable as
a side effect of the build.

> Thanks,
> Dan

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