On 2012-03-20 07:00 +0900, Miles Bader wrote:
> Is there a recommended way for dealing with binaries that are simple
> shell scripts in automake?  I currently use something like the
> following:
>    bin_PROGRAMS = myprog
>    myprog_SOURCES = myprog.sh
>    myprog: myprog.sh
>    %: %.sh
>            $(shbin_verbose)cp $< $@; chmod +x $@

Notwithstanding what others have already said, the above rule has some
issues of its own:

 (1) If the "chmod" command fails: the failure will be noticed (make
     will stop), but the target file has already been created at this
     point.  The target will thus be considered up-to-date on a
     subsequent make run, despite the fact that it was not created

 (2) If the "cp" command fails: the chmod is still attempted, which may
     succeed if the target file exists but is out-of-date.  If chmod
     succeeds, the failure will not be noticed by make, and the build
     will continue using an out-of-date target.

Moreover, the use of GNU make-specific pattern rules here is pointless
because the same can be accomplished by a more portable single-suffix

Better to write it as follows:

  SUFFIXES = .sh

        $(shbin_verbose) cp $< $@.tmp
        $(AM_V_at) chmod +x $@.tmp
        $(AM_V_at) mv -f $@.tmp $@

Nick Bowler, Elliptic Technologies (http://www.elliptictech.com/)

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