Hi Marko.

On 03/09/2012 11:26 PM, Marko Kreen wrote:
> Antimake is my attempt to fix "no good build system" problem -
> GNU Make library, but instead inventing custom conventions,
> it implements Automake syntax.
JFTR, we've recently started a (low-priority) fork of Automake aimed at
taking more advantage of GNU make features, with the hope of simplifying
Automake and make it more manageable for both users and maintainers:


Can I ask with what license are you distributing your project?  If it's
GPL-compatible, I'd be very happy to re-use some your code in Automake-NG
(assuming they are not too radically different) ...

Anyway, I'm glad I'm not the only one interested in the "let's just require
GNU make and live happily" approach!

> Example:
>   bin_PROGRAMS = hello
>   hello_SOURCES = hello.c
>   include antimake.mk
> After writing such Makefile, you can run 'make' immediately,
> no need for ./configure or Makefile rebuild.
> Links
> -----
> Doc:    http://libusual.github.com/mk/antimake.html
> Demos:  http://libusual.github.com/mk/
> Source: https://github.com/libusual/libusual/blob/master/mk/antimake.mk
> GIT:    git://github.com/libusual/libusual.git
> Comments, flames?
I will surely take a better look when I have more time.


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