Hi Ralf,

How are you? It has been long since we talked last time. 

I meet another problem about autoconf right now. I want to use 
AC_CONFIG_HEADERS[FCDefs.h.in] to create a FCDefs.h file. The content of the 
original FCDefs.h.in file is as follows. 

/* Define to a macro mangling the given C identifier (in lower and upper
   case), which must not contain underscores, for linking with Fortran. */
#undef FC_FUNC

/* As FC_FUNC, but for C identifiers containing underscores. */
#undef FC_FUNC_
I want to create the following file. I created it successfully long before. 

/ Define to a macro mangling the given C identifier (in lower and upper
   case), which must not contain underscores, for linking with Fortran. */
#define FC_FUNC(name,NAME) name ## _

        /* As FC_FUNC, but for C identifiers containing underscores. */
#define FC_FUNC_(name,NAME) name ## _
However, it turned out to a file with commented out lines. 

I read the autoconf mannual about AC_CONFIG_HEADERS, but I can not understand. 
Could you please tell me how to solve this problem if possible? Thanks.



> Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 22:07:00 +0200
> From: ralf.wildenh...@gmx.de
> To: tingloves...@hotmail.com
> CC: automake@gnu.org
> Subject: transport conditionals to other files (was: (no subject))
> Hello Ting,
> * ting xie wrote on Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 10:23:45PM CEST:
> > How are you? It is quite a long time since we talked last time. 
> Yes.  I'm just fine, thanks!  (There are many other helpful readers
> on this list, by the way ...)
> > I got a new question about autoconf now. Suppose I have defined a
> > conditional variable in configure.ac file as follows. 
> > 
> > AM_CONDITIONAL([FOO], [test x$foo = xtrue])  
> > 
> > I have another file test.inc.in file, if I want to put the condition
> > foo into this .inc.in file, how can I do that? 
> Hmm, you cannot put the condition into another file right away, as for
> one, the shell variable $foo will not have any meaning there.  However,
> if the file is instantiated by config.status (i.e., config.status reads
> FILE.inc.in and produces FILE.inc from it), then you can use a
> substituted variable; put AC_SUBST([foo]) in configure.ac, and @foo@ in
> FILE.inc.in, and it will get replaced with the value of $foo.
> > BTW, I do not understand this kind of postfix .inc.in file. May you
> > also give me some explanation on this kind of files if you have time? 
> The .in postfix usually indicates that this file is read by
> config.status to create a file without the .in postfix; see
>   info Autoconf "Configuration Files"
> for more information.
> Hope that helps.
> Cheers,
> Ralf

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