Honestly, there are such users today? I mean, almost every Unix newbie these days either:
- installs a Linux distro, Do you mean a GNU/Linux distro? If it is Linux alone, it won't even run. The practice of ignoring the GNU Project (us!) and calling the GNU system "Linux" hurts our work, so please make an effort to learn a different habit. Meanwhile, GNU newbies are not "Unix newbies" because GNU's Not Unix. Anyway, rather than making speculative arguments about what users want, let's find out -- by asking thenm and by small experiments, -- Dr Richard Stallman President, Free Software Foundation 51 Franklin St Boston MA 02110 USA www.fsf.org www.gnu.org Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software. Use free telephony http://directory.fsf.org/category/tel/