Hello Rhys, * Rhys Ulerich wrote on Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 05:34:04PM CET: > I've got a convenience library where the LDFLAGS includes -R: > noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libsomething.la > ... > libsomething_la_LDFLAGS = -Rsomewhere > and I indeed see "-Rsomewhere" appear within libsomething.la's dependency_libs > line the way I expect. > > In another directory, I build a program depending on libsomething.la > bin_PROGRAMS = myprog > myprog_LDADD = ../lib/libsomething.la > and then issue 'make install' to install it. > > After installation, I'm not seeing '-Rsomething' appear within the installed > binary's rpath according to 'readelf -d myprog'. 'ldd myprog' issued after > emptying my LD_LIBRARY_PATH confirms that -Rsomething isn't present. > > Should I expect -R flags provided at convenience library creation time to be > propagated to an installed binary which uses that convenience library? If > not, I'll stop trying. If so, I'll see if I can get a recreate for what > I'm observing.
I think they are not propagated currently for convenience archives. As to whether they should, I'm not sure. I remember that this has been reported before. I also remember that the issue has not been entirely noncontroversial. Somebody would have to dig in mailing list and commit history (of the Libtool project) to find out for sure. Cheers, Ralf