On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 1:57 AM, Miles Bader <mi...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Xan Lopez <x...@gnome.org> writes:
>> I understand this can cause problems if, say, a file is removed from
>> the build tree or so, but it's very different to removing completely
>> dependency tracking (which indeed makes the null-build be essentially
>> 0s).
> Do you know _what_ is taking so long?  I mean, disk I/O (stats on a cold
> disk cache), user CPU time (inefficient algos in make), system CPU time
> (stats on a warm disk cache)...?

Are you talking about the time to process those empty rules that are
gone if you get rid of -MP or of the remaining 20 seconds?


> -Miles
> --
> `Cars give people wonderful freedom and increase their opportunities.
>  But they also destroy the environment, to an extent so drastic that
>  they kill all social life' (from _A Pattern Language_)

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