On Sun, 21 Nov 2010, Ralf Wildenhues wrote:

* Vincent Torri wrote on Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 11:14:23PM CET:
noinst_PROGRAMS = cmapdump
cmapdump_SOURCES = mupdf-0.7/mupdf/cmapdump.c

noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libfitz.la libdraw.la libcmaps.la libfonts.la libmupdf.la

cmap_tounicode_files = \
mupdf-0.7/cmaps/Adobe-CNS1-UCS2 \

libcmaps_la_SOURCES = cmap_tounicode.c
cmap_tounicode.c: cmapdump $(cmap_tounicode_files)
        ./cmapdump $@ $(cmap_tounicode_files)

If I don't use BUILT_SOURCES, cmapdump binary is not built before
libcmaps, hence cmap_tounicode.c is not created, and compilation of
libcmaps fails.

Is there another solution ?

Yes: just specify cmapdump$(EXEEXT) as prerequisite to cmap_tounicode.c.

isn't what the line:

cmap_tounicode.c: cmapdump $(cmap_tounicode_files)

does ? Note that having that rule is not sufficient on linux (that is, even if $(EXEEXT) 'should' (but not 'must', as .exe suffix is not necessary) be added on widnows, it does not work on linux)

Vincent Torri

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