* mhoenicka wrote on Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 09:53:11PM CEST:
> Thanks for your hints. In fact, the install-exec vs. install-data thing is
> good enough for half of the problem. To keep things simple I didn't mention
> that we're talking about two related projects, one providing a library, the
> other a variety of loadable drivers. The drivers do not contain any DATA
> files other than documentation, so make install-data and make install-exec
> do exactly what I was asking for.

> However, the library also ships a .pc file
> which is DATA as a matter of fact.

It's probably not right to have .pc files as architecture-independent
data: typically, .pc files are system-dependent.

Having .pc files installed with install-exec can be done with something

pkgconfigexecdir = $(libdir)/pkg-config
pkgconfigexec_DATA = foo.pc

See 'info Automake "The Two Parts of Install"'.


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