
* YuGiOhJCJ Mailing-List wrote on Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 05:41:40PM CEST:
> I work on a project which use automake and include a documentation in Texinfo 
> format.
> If I call :
> $ make
> The .info file is built.

In the source tree (right?).  And it will be distributed (with 'make

> If I call :
> $ make clean
> The .info file is not cleaned.

Nope, because it is distributed.  Distributed things are usually cleaned
with maintainer-clean; or distclean.  This makes more sense if you
consider that, users that download tarballs of your package, will
already have the info file after extraction; it's then only logical that
'make clean' should not remove it.  See also 'info Automake Clean'.

> It is the same thing for pdf, if I call :
> $ make pdf
> The .pdf file is built.

In the build tree.  But not distributed.

> If I call :
> $ make clean
> The .pdf file is not cleaned.

That's weird.  It should be cleaned, and over here, it is.  Can you send
a small example setup to reproduce this?  Which automake version do you


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