Hello, I'm new to the Autotools, and I'm having some trouble to link two
libraries between them. I'll summarize what I need to do and what I'm doing.

I have implemented libA and libB. The libA files are stored in dirA and
libB files in dirB, so they are compiled separately (with different
sub-Makefiles): first I compile libA (successfully) and then libB. But I
need to link libB with libA when compiling libA, and there is where I'm
having problems. Specifically, when doing make, I get this error (I've
translated it approximately, as I get it in a language other than english):

make[4]: *** No rule to make target `libA.la', needed by `libB.la'.  Stop.

* Makefile for libA (simplified):

  lib_LTLIBRARIES = libA.la
  libA_la_SOURCES = srcA.c srcA.h

* Makefile for libB (simplified):

  INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/dirA
  lib_LTLIBRARIES = libB.la
  libB_la_SOURCES = srcB.c srcB.h
  libB_la_LIBADD = libA.la

I've tried also with "libB_la_LDADD = libA.la" and other several options
that I don't recall now, but I haven't get to the right solution. Could
someone help me?

Thank you.

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