On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 1:15 AM, Bob Friesenhahn <bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us> wrote: > My experience has been that the target names are the biggest chore with a > non-recursive build since it is common to place targets in the same > directory level as the source code. Providing a short-hand which allows > elimination of foo_blah_blah_blah_SOURCES (so that foo_blah_blah_blah can be > replaced with a simple name) would be extremely useful. Automake can easily > perform substitutions so that the result is a portable makefile.
What about taking a cue from nobase_FOOS and having prefixed_nobase1_dist_SOURCES = perl/Foo/Bar.pm \ perl/Foo/Baz.pm I'm deliberately conflating another issue: the all-or-nothing nature of nobase_FOOS. In some source trees, it forces you to have a (hopefully small number of) recursive sub-Makefile.am. The "nobase1" here would tell automake, "strip 1, but no other, pathname components".