On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 6:56 PM, <ralf.wildenh...@gmx.de> wrote: [...] > data-in-build-tree: data-in-source-tree > cp $(srcdir)/data-in-source-tree data-in-build-tree
We typically write something like: # file /must/ be in current dir (builddir) for proprietary tool: __heap.o: lib/__dfl_heap.o cp -f $< $@ Make finds $(srcdir)/lib/__dfl_heap.o via VPATH, if any, and sets `$<' accordingly (of course this won't work if in the above example the filenames (including path parts, if any) of data-in-source-tree and data-in-build-tree and exactly the same). I case this is portable (is it?) I think it could be a touch better? oki, Steffen