Ralf Wildenhues <ralf.wildenh...@gmx.de> writes:

> Hi Ed,
> * Ed Hartnett wrote on Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 05:14:24PM CET:
>> The netCDF C library uses other libraries, for example the hdf5,
>> hdf5_hl, and zlib libraries. I was building the library without
>> explicitly linking to these other libraries, assuming that libtool would
>> magically handle this.
>> But apparently not. One of my users complained,
> Lemme guess.  The developer who libtoolized the package (which may be
> that user) is on Debian or Ubuntu and its Libtool macros sets
> link_all_deplibs=no for the GNU/Linux system the user is on?
> Thanks,
> Ralf

Howdy Ralf!

I was in Hamburg recently - isn't that you're stomping ground? I should
have looked you up...

I am the developer who libtoolized the package, and I am a Fedora user,
and don't know where to find the value of the link_all_deplibs macro...



Ed Hartnett  -- e...@unidata.ucar.edu

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