Hi, I created my Makefile.am and configure.ac:
scr/Makefile.am ####################################################### moddir=/home/martin/opt/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.2/gm2 SUFFIXES = .mod mod.o: $(GM2) $(GM2FLAGS) $(AM_GM2FLAGS) -c -o $@ $< noinst_LIBRARIES = libVectorMath.a libVectorMath_a_SOURCES = VectorMath.mod libVectorMath_a_SOURCES += SVectorIO.mod EXTRA_libVectorMath_a_SOURCES = forc_c_compiler_defualts.c mod_HEADERS = VectorMath.def mod_HEADERS += SVectorIO.def mod_DATA = VectorMath.o mod_DATA += SVectorIO.o mod_DATA += VectorMath.mod mod_DATA += SVectorIO.mod configure.ac ########################################################### # -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ([2.64]) AC_INIT([VectorMath], [0.1], [ma.kalbf...@web.de]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/VectorMath.mod]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall -Werror foreign]) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_PATH_TOOL([GM2], [gm2]) if test -z "$GM2"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find GNU Modula-2 compiler]) fi AC_PROG_RANLIB AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile test/Makefile doc/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT The problem I have is, that he doesn't use gm2 to compile the code but tries to use the m2c modula-2 to c compiler. But this compiler isn't ISO-standard compatible. So he can't compile it. I used grep to locate the source of the m2c selection but found nothing. And google is silent when asking for autotools m2c.