Hi, I have a problem with dependencies to libraries in my build structure.the directory structure in my project is as follows (roughly):
configure.acmakefile.amapps/ makefile.am app1/ main.cc makefile.am comps/ makefile.am comp1/ comp1.cc makefile.am the component makefile generates a library:noinst_LIBRARIES = libcomp1.alibcomp1a_a_SOURCES = comp1.cc I recurse in all subdirectories, using SUBDIRS:SUBDIRS = apps comps in the comps:SUBDIRS = comp1 same for the apps directory. the app1 uses LDADD to link the app with main.cc bin_PROGRAMS = app1app1_SOURCES = main.ccapp1_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/comps/comp1/libcomp1.a Now when I call make at the root, everything is build correctly. But when I cd into apps/app1/ and call make, I have problems with: - if comp1 was not made before (e.g. from the root), make will fail (no rule to make libcomp1.a) - if I did make the library at the root, it is not recompiled automatically when I modify comp1.cc .. any ideas on these problems? Michiel _________________________________________________________________ Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you. http://www.bing.com/cashback?form=MSHYCB&publ=WLHMTAG&crea=TEXT_MSHYCB_BackToSchool_Cashback_BTSCashback_1x1