On Sun, 24 May 2009, Andreas Otto wrote:
I want to create an language binding for a "C" libraray this mean I have as input an file called "csmsgque.cs" and get as output an "csmsgque.dll" on unix
It seems like what is needed is C# support in libtool. This should be discussed on the libtool list. Be aware that libtool evolves slowly so there is no "quick solution" with it. If someone contributes C# patches to libtool, then perhaps libtool would support it some number of months later, or longer, depending on how invasive and risky the patches are.
My current makefile looks like: ===================================================== .dll.cs: mkdir .libs $(CSCOMP) -v -unsafe -nologo -out:./.libs/$@ -target:library $< pkglib_LIBRARIES = csmsgque.dll csmsgque_dll_sources = csmsgque.cs ===================================================== but I get the following error csmsgque/Makefile.am:17: `csmsgque.dll' is not a standard library name csmsgque/Makefile.am:17: did you mean `libcsmsgque.a'?
Since Automake does not know how to build DLLs (other than via libtool), you won't be able to use pkglib_LIBRARIES for this purpose. You may still be able to work around the problem as long as you avoid using Automake reserved variable names with well defined functionality.
Bob -- Bob Friesenhahn bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/ GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/