Hi Seb,

please keep the mailing list in Cc:, thanks.

* Seb James wrote on Mon, May 11, 2009 at 10:49:34PM CEST:
> > > However, if I reconfigure like this:
> > > 
> > > ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared
> > > 
> > > Then make clean && make will generate a mainprog with libproject
> > > statically linked into the executable. So far so good.
> > > 
> > > However, if I change libcodefiles.cpp and re-call make, libproject is
> > > recompiled, but the executable mainprog is not re-linked.

> The project is called "wmlcbr" with the root directory "wmlcbr"
> containing just the "main()" function of each program and most of the
> code in wmlcbr/wmlcbr/

> wmlcbrfilt_LDADD = -L./wmlcbr -lwmlcbr -lcups -lwmllicence -lwmlppfilt 
> -lwmlppcommon -lxml++-2.6 -lwmlcups -lcups -luuid -lmysqlpp -lmysqlclient 
> -L/usr/lib/mysql

Please drop the -L./wmlcbr and change all in-build-tree library
references to be like wmlcbr/libwmlcbr.la:

  wmlcbrfilt_LDADD = wmlcbr/libwmlcbr.la -lcups -lwmllicence -lwmlppfilt 
-lwmlppcommon -lxml++-2.6 -lwmlcups -lcups -luuid -lmysqlpp -lmysqlclient 

Similar for all other in-tree libraries that the line may have, and all
other programs.  BTW, omit the ./ before wmlcbr, in-tree file names
can be reused in wmlcbrfilt_DEPENDENCIES by automake.


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