On Thursday 2009-02-26 00:44, Allan Caffee wrote:
>What is the cleanest to way to append something to a builtin variable
>(e.g.  MAINTAINERCLEANFILES) from an Automake "header".[...]
>Is there a cleaner, ideally non-invasive method for
>adding things to these builtin lists?

In one project I use -- though not a "header + main makefile" but
a "main makefile + subordinates" layout --:

# Makefile.am (http://tinyurl.com/dhxfwf)
include bar/Automakefile
include foo/Automakefile

# bar/Automakefile
bin_PROGRAMS += bar

# foo/Automakefile
bin_PROGRAMS += foo

that is, setting all variables ever used to "" before appending to them.

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