I have a question about GNU automake.
I have a helper script in tests subdirectory of my project.
This script is used ONLY for tests (make check).
So, it should be distributed.

I added the following lines
dist_bin_SCRIPTS = fds_by_process.sh
check_SCRIPTS = fds_by_process.sh
in tests/Makefile.am

Of course I don't want to install this script (by make install).
So, I added
noinst_SCRIPTS = fds_by_process.sh
in tests/Makefile.am.

Unfortunately, this script is installed by "make install".

What's wrong?

Thank you beforehand!

Sincerely yours, Dmitry V. Krivenok
Orange System Company
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
work phone: +7 812 332-32-40
cellular phone: +7 921 576-70-91
web: http://www.orangesystem.ru
skype: krivenok_dmitry
icq: 242-526-443

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