On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 01:22:29PM -0400, Bob Rossi wrote: > On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 05:51:35PM +0200, Ralf Wildenhues wrote: > > * Brian Dessent wrote on Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 04:45:54PM CEST: > > > It would be equally difficult as in the case with MULTITARGETS and > > > foo_{TARGETS,SOURCES,COMMAND}, no? > > > > Well, the first step in exploring this further would be somebody writing > > out how suitable generated rules should look like: if you can then > > factor it from the input that you're getting, that's already half of the > > work done. > > > > In any case, I won't be working on this right now due to time > > constraints, sorry. > > Unfortunately, both of you are talking over my head. I don't have all > that much experience with make. However, I've worked on a lot of open > source projects, and all of them do this common task. > > They generate files during build time, and modify BUILT_SOURCES... > > In fact, think of the bison or flex extension (adding .y or .l files to > the _SOURCES variable). That is just another use of this general > functionality that I'm talking about. In some sense, it would be like me > adding foo.xml to the _SOURCES, but telling automake how to turn that > into a .c file. I want to run foo.py, whereas automake runs bison or > flex. > > I'm sure that if this was implemented, a LOT of projects would use it. > So, is there something I can do to help implement it, with my little > experience writing make file rules?
Ping, whatever happened to this idea? You guys think it's stupid? Bob Rossi