You may also want:

noinst_DATA = poll.spec

> > I like to include my subversion version number in my rpm spec file so I can
> > keep track of the source used to generate the binary.  I've been manually
> > changing it but since I forget to sometimes, I'd like for make to generate
> > the spec file for me.  I wrote a small perl program that reads a template
> > file (.tmpl) and writes out the .spec file after calling subversion . -n.  
> I
> > can't figure out how to force make from a to run the perl scrip
> t
> > each time it builds.
> > I thought I could do it with SUFFIXES but when I tried it didn't work.  I
> > added the following to the top level
> > 
> > noinst_PROGRAMS = poll.spec
> > poll_tmpl_SOURCES = poll.tmpl FORCE
> > .tmpl.spec:
> >        ./ $<
> > 
> > FORCE:
> You want BUILT_SOURCES = something.
> If takes the .tmpl.spec file and spits out 'poll.spec' then
> you want:
> BUILT_SOURCES = poll.spec
> poll.spec: .tmpl.spec
>          ./ $<
> if is a generated script.  If it's part of the package you want:
> poll.spec: .tmpl.spec
>          $srcdir/ $<
> H

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