Hello Stefan,

* steve_k wrote on Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 02:20:25PM CET:
> Could somebody of you explain to me how to
> define multiple targets in one configure.ac Makefile.am ? I got it compiling
> everything with SUBDIRS - but now it was requested that i should make the
> testcases ( in tests/Testcase1 tests/TestcaseX ) a separate target.

If you need a recursive target that is not one of the targets known by
automake, you will need to define a recursive rule yourself, sorry.
In this case however, you may want to use the 'check' target, though,
look at the documentation.

> I got so far that i defined  :
> examples : $(TEST_SUBDIRS)

This just states that the target examples depends on some directories
being present.

> in the hope  that this would trigger automake to kickoff the building
> process by using the Makefiles in each of the TestcaseX directories - sadly
> automake does not know to use make recursivly in that case...

Use something like:

        for dir in $(SUBDIRS); do \
          cd $$dir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $@ || exit 1; \

.PHONY: recursive-target

(or the slightly more involved scheme that automake itself uses).

> DISTCLEANDIRS = autom4te.cache doc

Please note that DISTCLEANDIRS has no special meaning to automake.

> DIST_SUBDIRS= src tests/GenEvATestCase1 tests/GenEvATestCase2
> tests/GenEvATestCase3 tests/GenEvATestCase4

Usually there is no need to defined DIST_SUBDIRS yourself (it defaults
to $(SUBDIRS)).

> AM_LDFLAGS = -shared

If you do this, then all outputs get linked as shared objects, which
would be wrong for programs.  I suggest putting -shared into per-target 
link flags (lib*_LDFLAGS), or, more portably, using libtool.

Hope that helps.


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