* NightStrike wrote on Sun, Feb 03, 2008 at 05:36:41PM CET:
> >
> > I meant more along the lines of, for instance in the gcc project,
> > there is 'make all-gcc", "make all-gmp", "make all-mpfr", etc.  I
> > admit that the idea wasn't well thought out; I just know that anytime
> > I try using a new project where I need to build specific parts instead
> > of just "make all install", I find myself drudging painfully through a
> > bunch of Makefiles to find what I need.  It'd be so much easier to

... actually look in the documentation: info gccint "Source Tree",
or the GCC wiki, e.g. <http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Top-Level_Bootstrap>,
lists the more important targets.

FWIW, I don't think duplicating information also in the Makefile(.am)
will help the developer keep things more consistent and complete.


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