Hello Raghavendra,

* Raghavendra K wrote on Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 05:40:28AM CET:
> the directories listed inside dfe3 are as follows
> bin, objs, lib
> I want to write a Makefile using automake which will compile the sources
> present in the dfe3 directory and put the binary executables in dfe3/bin/
> and libraries in dfe3/lib and intermediate object files in dfe3/objs

You can
  bin_PROGRAMS = bin/prog1 ...
  bin_prog1_SOURCES = src1.c sub/src2.c ...
  lib_LIBRARIES = lib/libfoo.a
  lib_libfoo_a_SOURCES = src3.c ...

With subdir-objects, you can control whether sub/src2.c gets compiled
into src2.o or into sub/src2.o.  Arbitrary control is not possible with
automake, however.

I suspect that you may have a better experience if you learn to separate
source tree and build tree with a VPATH build:

Hope that helps.


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