On Mon, 21 Jan 2008, Jason Roscoe wrote:
Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
That sounds like a nice feature. For GraphicsMagick (which needs this
capability) I distribute a slightly modified version of the old X11 'lndir'
shell script and invoke it via an automake 'hook'. This approach seems to
work fine.
Thanks for the pointer. Does your automake 'hook' also contain the smarts to
clean up the linked source code during a 'make clean'?
It does not do that (the way you describe) since the source I am
linking to includes its own 'make clean' facility, but I do invoke
that 'make clean' facility via a hook.
Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/