On Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 09:49:47AM -0500, Gurpreet Sachdeva wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> I read your post (very old) about producing MSVC project files from
> makefile.am files
> http://www.cygwin.com/ml/automake/2000-02/msg00019.html
> Were you able to find/create a tool which does that? I am interested in this
> and was planning to write a one if required. If there is a existing tool
> (stable/unstable). I can take that forward for maintaining.
> Please let me know if you have any inputs on this.

Is there any beta support for this? I can test it out. I'm assumming you
would need to run this from a mingw or cygwin shell, is that true?

I think this would be an extremely nice improvement to the automake
system. As it stands, I'm currently going to have to support 2 build
systems, one for POSIX world, and one for msft.

Bob Rossi

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